I was going through my message box in my email and came across old emails to my parents when they were on their much deserved vacation to the Cook Islands. I was looking after my little brother at home. I thought I'd post some pieces of the letter for my mom who probably hasn't read it since I sent it to her.
Cook IslandsMarch 16th - From Me to Mom and DadHey parentals!!! Everything is going well here, and I'm glad to hear that everything is peachy in the cook islands, i hope it is all you wanted it to be and more. Just to warn you, I am going to be using 'msn lingo' so read carefully and don't mind the missed punctuation, I'll try to tone it down for you.
So Ethan and I have had a pretty calm past couple days, nothing too exciting. Took him to piano, we didn't get lost obviously. We have seen Erin once since you guys left, so nothing unusual on that end.
I've gone grocery shopping twice since you guys left for important things like more ritz crackers. We've had meatballs, grilled cheese, subway today for lunch, and tacos tonite for dinner among other things. Really not much news on this end, nothing as exciting as almost getting eaten by giant fish, but on the upside we both have our underwear.
I told David that mom was the only one i know that could do that, until i realized this wasn't true, it could happen to anyone planning three months ahead, going through numerous checklists, organzing the crum out of everything, and packing three days in advance, and then repacking twice on the day of....anyone could forget there underwear in all that hubub.
You won't live this down I don't think mom, but it's okay we all appreciate it.
I took ethan for a run yesterday, he made it exactly half a mile without stopping...the problem is once he stopped I couldn't get him started again, so he walked the other half.
Jess and I made a mock wedding cake today...problem is the fondant (special icing) melted and pulled the cake open as it slid off...so it looks like a big melted slimy dismembered cake. Needless to say we'll be buying fondant in the future not making it again.
Ethan says don't worry, everything is fine, and he's been enjoying doing things with his sister, and watching Lucy. (this was word for word and no I didn't have him at gun point).
Anyways, go, have fun, don't worry about us. Everything is seriously all good, ethan and I get along a lot better with you guys out of the picture. Different dynamic or something i guess, i tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen.The house is lonely with out you guys though, we'll appreciate it when you get back and ethan's not asking ME what's for dinner.
Love you lots, XOXO Be safe and all that jazz, but don't be boring :)
Your ADORING children,
Meredith and Ethan

Ethan, Me, Mom, Dad (2009)
March 22nd - from Me to Mom and Dad
"Today woody the woodpecker was pecking on the house for about 4 hours so David had a little fun hiding in the bush with the bebe gun for awhile. He's a smart bird though, he flew away and ddin't come back till david was inside again. Don't worry, the sight on the gun is so off i don't think David will be able to hit it. ANd no, we arn't letting ethan shoot the bebe gun in the yard as per dad's rule although he thought this was horrible and tried to argue against it to david and i...... we're still (ethan and i) getting along fine, and it's a good lesson in patience. We took him to turkey easter dinner at the marks' house last night.
Today david's been playing golf all afternoon with his ushers then they're going out for dinner, who knows when they'll be home. It kinda sucks since it's one of my only days with him this weekend, but he needs his guy time i guess. plus i get him for the rest of his life so i guess it's a fair trade. although it's been a very boring afternoon/evening.
We're going through the money pretty fast, as in after grocerys, gas and ethan's haircut, and we ate out at subway once, it's all gone. so im saving receipts.
Anyways, the house is freezing cold and the weather has been horrible as per norm. So sick of it. At least Calgary is sunny. I'm kinda getting the flowers figured out, but im really ready for all this detail thing to be over with.
OKay well love you guys, and stop being such martyrs about your children forgetting you (try to forget us for a couple days! sheesh!).
xoxo Meredith"