I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach.~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
What a busy week! We flew to Victoria on the first of October, and Amaris was an angel! She did not even so much as whimper once and I didn't even have to whip out the new toys I had bought her for the ride! She simply amused herself by trying to grab the nose of the man sitting in the seat next to us. Luckly he was a good sport, because as Amaris gets bigger the seats on the airplane seem smaller!

On the way to the airport! We have to take the car because the truck dosn't fit in the parkade! Oh husband of mine.
So the reason for the trip was Sam and Jessica's wedding! I love weddings! It does something good to the soul. It's not everyday that you are in the presence of the truest, most pure, public display of love and commitment, it also serves as an extra large reminder of how much I love my husband! I love you David! ♥

The beautiful bride, check out the look on Sam's face, too bad it's blurry! Jessica and I.
I also got to spend an evening with Kim and Sarah, we indulged ourselves at DQ, the Oreo Cheesquake (there's that cheesecake thing in me again coming out!) Blizzard, so good! Even a small seems way to big though!

Sarah's weird cup animal we drew eyes on. The three of us!
We also spent two wonderful evenings at the Marks' house! It was so nice for Amaris to see her Grandma and Grandpa Marks and Uncle Jesurun! We also got to see a large portion of the extended family which was so fun for Amaris to meet her cousins!

Uncle Jesurun, the rocking bug, and Amaris. Amaris and a few of her cousins! Totally the white one out!

Papa Hugh and Amaris.
Well, much more went on in Victoria but I don't want this post to be 50 miles long! We arrived home in Calgary on the 7th, I've noticed I am starting to call Calgary, 'home', which is really odd! I have come to learn that home is really where the heart is, and since David often stays in Calgary while we are in Victoria, I yearn for home!