Friday, December 16, 2011
More Stuff
I'm also really feeling convicted lately about the lengths of our joy sharing. We aren't going far enough. We are getting so caught up with giving STUFF to each other (seriously, how many of us already have too much stuff?) that we are not helping the truly helpless. I even catch myself running through the mall getting last minute gifts, walking past the World Vision booth with it's orange-hatted volunteers, "too busy" or "too on budget" to stop. Horrible. I feel so convicted about this. If we put all of our billions of dollars we spend buying more stuff towards the truly needed, think about how the world would change.
A good article that got me thinking is here. Read it in it's entirety or don't read it at all. It's not that long.
I read a quote once (I can't find it now) and it was along the lines of, "If I stop buying things today, I could never possibly use up all the stuff I have right now." If you never bought another piece of clothing, could you wear out your clothes, all of them, until they were unwearable? Sheesh we have our priorities so messed up here, and it seems almost impossible to get out of the mindset of entitlement.
Here's to working on a change of heart, when the other part of me is thinking that I don't want to think about it!!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Jamison's Birthday Bash
My little guy is officially one! And I'm officially amazed it's been a year already. We had a heck of a bash! Lots of family and friends and yummy food. We did a potluck style dinner, I made sure we had a few basics, like big pots of chili, buns, and the plates and cups and drinks. Then everyone else brought amazing things and we ATE! I wish I had a picture of the spread.
I did a dessert table that had brown paper bags (I have a thing for brown paper bags) with colourful ties on them, cake pops, marshmallow pops, cupcakes, and chocolate moustaches. I had lots of fun!
The ties on the goodie bags actually were very handy for organizing them, I did purple ties for the girly bags, yellow ties for gender neutral, green ties for little boy and blue ties for older boy.
We did the party at David's grandparents church basement, which has a full kitchen, lots of space and benches and tables, perfect! I also set up a bunch of my toys from home to do a children's play area that I enclosed (not totally successfully) with benches to contain. And I also set up a table with sugar cookies I made, and plates and candy and icing for the older kids to decorate.
Jamison actually loved opening all his presents, it was too cute. Can't beat this enthusiasm!
One of my favorite parts of the party, my chocolate moustaches! Jade and I totally have the best movember 'stache!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Welcome Fall!
We welcome fall in our house by going to our old road and hunting for chestnuts. It's like an Easter egg hunt, but without the chocolate.
Amaris has developed a rather interesting 'camera smile'. Yes, it's this little gem here:
Hmmmm. What can I say about that. She smiles like this almost every time I ask her to smile for the camera. Hilarious!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Mister Mister
He is the most amazing baby. He rarely every cries or whines. We joke that when he does, it's just to keep in practice incase he ever needs it. He is a whirlwind of activity and never stops, he crawls almost as fast as I can walk. He eats more than Amaris does at every meal. He weighs almost 23lbs. He has strawberry blonde hair and dark dark pond water green eyes.
Friday, September 30, 2011
It's such a super place for inspiration. Here's what I'm digging on it:
*Yes, it's all baby related. I'm nearing completion on Amaris' room, and just starting to get idea's for Jamison's nursery.*

LOVE the bright open windows, and dreamy breezy curtains. But the realist in me points out, would baby ever nap with all that energy streaming in!?

I so totally just brought a bunch of driftwood home in the truck this week for the purpose of hanging some type of mobile off it. Love this! And what a swell crib.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Small Rant
When I'm lying awake at night unable to sleep there are a few things I think about blogging. The big one is, I have a BIG, UGLY, horrible story about Jenner Chevrolet in Langford, B.C. and the 'service' there. I keep meaning to contact Better Business Bureau, or post a google review (I tried, but it didn't post for some reason, maybe it was too long and too full of colourful language? (Just kidding about the colourful language, but it was long)).
Anyways I'll post the longer version later when I feel like getting nice and worked up, but right now just to get the word out there, NEVER GO THERE WITH YOUR BUSINESS! They lied to our faces, double dipped from our pocket and our warrenty coverage, lied to the other dealerships trying to help us, GM head office, and tried to steal our papers proving that they were doing shady business! Sickening.
I can only imagine how many people went through the same thing and never found out they payed for something that Jenner also claimed from the warrenty coverage. Hello 'dollar dollar bill ya'll' for the employees. Sad faces for the customers.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
David's Birthday
Want to learn how to make the tissue paper pom poms you see in the pictures? Check it out!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Calm Before the Storm
Queue the storm/mayhem/crying/spilling/mess.
Within about 15 seconds life went from the above to the directly above mentioned scenarios. I hear a BANG of something crashing to the floor, followed by a hiss (yes I was weirded out too from my couch cushioned spot) then silence. For about 10 seconds. Then the freaking-out-age. I run over to the toilet and Amaris is COVERED from head to toe (literally) in soda pop! We had stacked left over coke on the shelf in the kitchen (yes her potty was in the kitchen) and somehow, this is still a mystery, it fell off and exploded at her feet. And I mean EXPLODED! Her book, her hair, her body (she was also sitting on the potty nekked, that's how we roll) the pantry cupboard, the shelf, all the canned goods, her potty, the floor, the garbage can. Imagine shaking a can of pop and then water gunning it out onto the kitchen and your kid. That was the scene before me. Sigh, say goodbye to a calm morning.
Anyways the ensuing mayhem ruffled Jamison's feathers and so he decided to join in the crazy. So the only thing Amaris hates more then being covered from head to toe in pop is the bath. Which continued her joy as I turned on the water and threw her in as I raced around trying to deal with the 8 month old in need of a nap and the sticky rain in the kitchen.
All in all the world is back up right, the kitchen is cleaner then before the great pop explosion of 2011. Thanks to my Dad for saving my butt and scrubbing the shmeck while I dealt with meltdowns 1 & 2. I love my family.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Naan Pizza with Curried Chicken and Asparagus
Saturday, May 21, 2011
The Potty Dance
The 'method' we are using is the three day potty training technique. So far so good, we're on day two (although it's only 10:23am) and there has been one little dribble yesterday I could hardly even call an accident and that's it! Otherwise 100% potty-rific success!
We even took the potty with us on the trampoline yesterday, and outside to garden. Ah to be two and sit on the potty in the garden.
Hope you're having a wonderful long weekend, we're headed to the rodeo today! I'm sure we'll be hearing nothing but talk of cows and horses and cowboys for the next three months after this (you think I'm exaggerating - I'm not!).
Cute potty image found here
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Best Pumpkin Loaf EVER
Monday, May 16, 2011
i carry your heart
Sunday, May 15, 2011
my hippie
Friday, May 13, 2011
the greats
hot air wall art
life so far
Okay there are better pictures. But Jamison needs to be fed and we've all been sick all week, so this is all I'm posting!
Erin and her maid of honor, Allison. Beautiful picture!
And me and my man of honor, David. You should've seen the faces he made in the other pictures!