Friday, September 17, 2010

Daddy Touch Noseys

Well this week has had bad days and good days. Today was a very bad day. One of the worst in Amaris history. It involved a nearly consistant day long tantrum, complete with rolling on the floor screaming for hours in a row. Made me think she was sick, or something horrific must be going on to act like that. Apparently not, since this evening right before bed she was totally fine, dancing and jumping around as per norm.
I broke down at 3:45. Our landlords are doing a crumb load of renos to the house. 5 out of the past 8 days I have had hammers bang, saws sawing, and worker bees invading my place of rest. Amaris couldn't nap because of the house shaking everytime the nailgun went off. Which was every few seconds. That didn't help my attitude, or hers.
When David got home Amaris and I were both bawling. It was not a good day. I am getting so fed up with all the work around the house I want to swear and throw things. The reason the work is being done is a last ditch effort to sell the house, they are pushing for this month. Which just means if the renos WORK and the house SELLS we will have to move with a couple week old baby. Wow how fun.
Anyways, yesterday we went and fed the 'neighs' carrots. Amaris was pumped, but a little scared. It was very cute. She even touched one!
I keep hearing, "Daddy touch neigh, Daddy touch neigh noseys!" (nose-ees?)

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