Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Potty Dance

So we've started potty training officially as of yesterday. We are going cold turkey on diapers, with the exception of naps and nighttime (until she starts getting the hang of it).
The 'method' we are using is the three day potty training technique. So far so good, we're on day two (although it's only 10:23am) and there has been one little dribble yesterday I could hardly even call an accident and that's it! Otherwise 100% potty-rific success!
We even took the potty with us on the trampoline yesterday, and outside to garden. Ah to be two and sit on the potty in the garden.

Hope you're having a wonderful long weekend, we're headed to the rodeo today! I'm sure we'll be hearing nothing but talk of cows and horses and cowboys for the next three months after this (you think I'm exaggerating - I'm not!).

Cute potty image found here

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