Saturday, March 20, 2010

Stickers on Our Faces

This evening the Bug and I spent half an hour sticking stickers on our faces. The day was also spent grocery shopping, shoe shopping for the whole family, and napping. I love the weekends.

We are officially in our new/old house, it's super cute! But the move has been extremely emotional, nothing like moving to a flat/brown/cold/ugly province to a place where you know nobody for 1000 miles in all directions to unsettle you a bit! The first little bit is always the hardest, I know it will get easier. Especially as summer comes! I watch the snow melt inch by inch, as the days roll on with eager anticipation. We have a pool in our beautiful backyard, which I couldn't be more excited about! Hot, dry Saskatchewan summer, Take that!

Here is a few pictures of our stressful moving day, complete with tearful breakdown at the end.

Isn't it beautiful? My favorite parts are the stainglass windows, and two huge window seats, one in the living room and one in the kitchen! The house is very bright which is especially nice in an older house. One funny thing about the house, the floors are insanely uneven, to the point of Amaris not being able to walk in some spots! Also the doorway heights are hilarious! If you're over 5"11 you hit your head in some spots.

All said in done though, I like the house! Although one little suprise that came with it, mouse traps and poisen in my kitchen cupboard, including on snapped in half mouse under my pots and pans cupboard! Amaris actually uncovered that one. Ick!

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