Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Knight in Shining Armor♥

Oh knight of my heart
shall I buy you a flower?
Shall I lower my hair
down from up in my tower?
Shall I lie here asleep
until you come on by,
Shall I bite on an apple
and tragically die?
Shall I wait for your appearance
wait for your kiss
wait to be married in matrimonial bliss?
Will you wear your shiny armor
like in all of my dreams
or humbly come,
shirt frayed at the seams?
With a heart full of love,
you'll sweept me off my feet,
My heart will then flutter
perhaps jump and miss a beat?
And off we'll go riding,
away into the sunset
our eyes reflecting love and laughter,
and add our names into the books,
off happily ever after.

Written by Meredith Latimer in 2003. I WAS 14 WHEN I WROTE THIS.
Thought I'd share the ramblings of a hopeless romantic who found her knight in shining armor.♥

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